This brand has gained a lot of traction since they partnered with QVC. My first experience was with their contouring pallet, when they were with HSN. I didn't understand contouring, so I thought the pallet was junk & ended up returning it. The company has since revamped their brand & updated their offerings, along with explaining how to use their products better in their on-air sales presentations. I did end up buying their contouring pallet again, after I learned how to properly contour from tutorials I found on Youtube. I still can't give this brand an A though. Overall, I give them a C+. Let me explain this rating, I feel like I'm giving them a fair rating with a C+ because I own & have tried quite a few of their products, purchased using my own money. The first reason that they get a C+ rating is due to their foundation/concealer color range. L'Oreal's True Match line has an excellent range for half the price & I can find the products at Walmart, for a third of the price of IT Cosmetics' foundations. The people that can wear their colors give them great reviews. I am fair with a warm leaning neutral skin undertone. The only color I can use out of their foundation/concealer line is the Neutral Medium, if I have self-tan on & only if the self tan is red based. Otherwise, their fair color is way too pale & way too cool toned to accommodate a large majority of us fair skinned ladies.
IT Cosmetics shade finder chart |
Look at it, look! How do you even? There isn't any in between from the fair to the light shades. Their shade range is more limited than Covergirl's drugstore foundations & yet costs 3x more than CG's foundations do. I'm sorry, but I've just come to expect a great range of shades from HE brands, this makes them worthy of the heftier price tags they come with, in my opinion. This is where IT Cosmetics gets a big fat F. It's 2013, women come in a much larger skin tone variety than the 5 shades they offer. Please, IT Cosmetics, become more accommodating in your shade offerings, because there are literally hundreds of other cosmetics companies that women can give their money to.
Brow Power Lift pencil |
Brow Power eyebrow pencil |
IT Cosmetics' Brow Power Lift pencil gets an A+ from me. You can find the tutorial on how to properly use it on This is definitely pricey at $24, but it's worth it as a highlighter because you have a matte side & a shimmery side. They use liquid crystal technology, also known as cholesterol nanoate, to get their non-glittery glow. Liquid crystal technology is our friend, ladies. It truly gives skin a youthful sheen when applied properly, much like what we've been promised with mica, but cholesterol nanoate actually delivers. I had never intended to try their eyebrow pencil, I wasn't interested at all, but it came in a kit. I'm surprised that I actually found it to be an excellent eyebrow pencil, & this is after I've officially converted to the brow powder camp. It does take me a bit longer to apply than brow powder, but it's a great pencil & the color is self adjusting. That's something that I can't say about brow powder.
Other products that get A ratings from me are IT Cosmetics' Vitality Face Disk, & their Bye Bye Pores HD Powder.
I give the following products a C rating: Bye Bye Pores bronzer, because although it is matte, it can still enhance pores & is red based. A bronzer has to be cool based, as well as matte to work for contouring. IT Cosmetics brushes also receive a big fat C from me. Bigger isn't always better! The only brush that I would give them an A rating on, would be the concealer side of their Airbrush Dual Concealer/Foundation brush. It's the only concealer brush that achieves better results than my fingers or my Beauty Blender sponge.
Products that I give an F to, besides their foundations, are beginning with Hello Light Anti-Aging Creme Radiance. No, it's not because of the name. Seriously, though, who names these products???? How can you explain to a friend about a great new product that you've found, when the name takes up two sentences of the conversation? Anyway, if you get the brush & illuminator together, you're going to be mighty disappointed. This brush is the worst way to apply this product, it simply doesn't put the product where it needs to go & it puts way too much of the product on. The product is better applied with the Real Techniques Setting brush, but works best when applied with your fingers. When you use this method, the highlighter becomes ok, but still doesn't look as nice as their pencil or highlighting powder. Hello Lashes is a terrible mascara offering from this company. It's supposed to be a 5 in 1 product, yet somehow fails to even be good at one thing; being mascara! I don't want to get into what they claim it does. Personally, I call Hello Lashes, Hello Clumps! This mascara is as terrible as Hard Candy's mascara offerings are, but at 4x times the price point, hello! Bottom line, do try IT Cosmetics, but don't expect their brand to live up to all their claims.